Friday, June 3, 2011

My Scrapping Place

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I for one am super happy that it's Friday.  School is almost out for the kids in my part of town which means quite time at work.  I'm a school secretary and some days are so chaotic.  Anyway, while doing some blog surfing during my lunch break, I came across Christina's challenge over at Creations with Christina.  The challenge on Wednesday was titled "What's on your desk?, naturally, my curiosity was peaked.  So I looked at all the wonderful crafters that submitted pics and asked myself, "Jeanette, do you really want to show where you craft?".  So after much thought I decided that I was ready to come out of the closet.

You see, I don't have a designated crafting place.   We just don't have enough room,  I keep telling the last two kids at home that maybe they should make the shed their "room." They're not buying it! So I'm left to wander around the house when I want to use my beautiful Cricut.  Right now, the dining room table is my crafting space and this is how it looks:

As you can see, I have my trusty new E2 (love my baby), cuttlebug, original cricut expression, cartridges, glue and a number of other things on one end of the table.

See my little gypsy?
This is the view from the other side of the table

On the back there against the wall, is one of my rolling carts with 12x12 paper, scraps drawer and other necessary things.  (The chairs are left over from a graduation party)

I'm using one of the metal chairs to hold my scraps drawer.  Since I've been working on cards for our troops and entering challenges, I'm trying to use scraps whenever possible, so as to not waste entire sheets.

Up in my bedroom I have several containers and two additional rolling carts with more paper (to my family's horror!) My cartridges are kept in the living room in a DVD library that also holds my son's Xbox games and a few DVD movies.

Well, this is all for now.  Stop by Christina's blog and show us what's on your desk right now.  And remember, no cleaning up! Be you!

Oh and don't forget to stop by Flaunt it Fridays and say "So long friend, until we meet again" as there will no longer be any more challenges there.

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to share your thoughts ~ I'm loving the comments section!

Sending you crafting wishes,


  1. this blog is so cool

  2. So glad you shared your work space! How are you loving the E2? I got the original about 8 months ago and LOVE it - would love to have the newest but I'm thinking the request for that would not go over too well so soon...LOL. New "Follower"... hope you'll stop by my blog (and Follow if you like).

  3. So glad someone else is as organized as I am;-) LOL! So jealous you have an E2. Do you absolutely love it? Tell me no then I won't feel the need to go broke getting one. I'm a new follower. Can't wait to see what you create:-) Come visit sometime!

