Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Korean 1st Birthday

Just stopping by to share these dohl towers that I made for my cousin's 1st bday....

this is a sheep for the year that he was born in ...
the "J" on top is for his middle name, James....

this second one is his Korean name and a view of the back side of the dohl
There were 3 dohl towers in all...I don't have a picture of all three together but will come back and post one soon....

All three dohl were made using a paper towel roll for the base and colored sixlets and white jellybeans....

Thanks for stopping by...

Sending you crafting wishes...

Sunday, July 31, 2016


It's been ages since I've shared anything and hopefully I'll do so more frequently....but for now, I just want to share pictures of a few banners I've made...

First up is a Spiderman theme banner...can't remember what font I used...I think it's from the Batman cartridge...the spiderman images are clipart I found on the internet and I just did a print & cut using my Cricut explorer machine...

 Next is a Hulk theme banner, I believe I used Comic Sans font and used the same method for the clipart...regret not using a white shadow for the letters, they would've popped more...

Lastly, a banner for a christening...the letters are from the Nursery Rhymes cartridges..used pop dots between the layers of the letters to make them stand out a bit...

Thanks for stopping by...